We're Better Together
Tavistock Community Health Inc is a non-profit organization. Our goal is to make an impact on your life, or the life of someone you love. We need you to help us sustain healthcare in our community and help us reach that goal. We are a dedicated group of volunteers that make up a Board of Directors. Our mission is to manage the expenses of running an accessible, high-quality health care centre to help recruitment of medical professionals to our small community.
Help Fund TCHI
Our goal is to make an impact on your life, or the life of someone you love. We need you to help us sustain healthcare in our community and help us reach that goal. Managing our facility is costly – from maintaining the building and the grounds to current standards, to updating medical equipment and services. Download a copy of our brochure to learn more about our fundraising initiative. Help us in our mission to provide quality, accessible, and sustainable healthcare in our community.
Memorial Donations
As a way to show support to a grieving family, donations can be made to honour the recently deceased. Talk to your funeral director about donating to TCHI.
Legacy Funds
Legacy funds make a substantial contribution to the future sustainability of our centre. What is important to you? Talk to your family and consider TCHI in your estate planning.
For a nominal fee, you can become a member of TCHI. Members receive audited financial statements on a yearly basis as well as voting privileges at the Annual General Meeting. Once per year, you can vote for what matters to you!